Emma Campbell winner of the Guild of photographers business award

The Benefits of Joining the Guild of Photographers


I can honestly say, I wouldn’t be a full-time Equine photographer if it wasn’t for The Guild of Photographers.

Over the last 6 years, I’ve learn’t so much from The Guild. They’ve encouraged me to develop my photography skills and style, but also inadvertently increased my confidence and helped me develop a postive mindset too.

Being a member, pushed me in competitions, which eventually led me to being awarded Equine Photograph of the Year and gaining ‘Overall Image of the Year’ (Judges Choice).

Through their support and mentoring, I gained my Master Craftsman qualification (panel below). This process taught my how to construct a set of images that would work together as a panel and how to print. Sounds silly, but how many of us actually print the photographs we take these days? But it’s so important that we do! Coming from a digital generation, I didn’t know that the choice of photographic paper you choose, actually affects the look, feel, and longevity of your image.

Master Craftsman Horse Photographer, submitting panel
The benefits of joining The Guild of Photographers

The helped me create my niche

If I look back over the years, I can now see, with the support of The Guild and particularly with the help of their mentoring service, trigger points, where I started to develop my style.

It really is quite an eye-opener when you stop and look back at your early submissions. How, sometimes in the moment, you can’t see any improvement, but with time and a steady tapping away, learning new skills, and experimenting, you push through and find your niche.

For more details about the Guild of Photographers – visit: https://photoguild.co.uk/

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